PHOTOGRAPHY-COURSE: Building your fashion & beauty portfolio with agency models [3 months, 8 students, Online or Byron Bay]

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Emily Senko by Dave Blake (036_Emily-Senko_2019-09-12 23.59.46).jpg
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Emily Senko by Dave Blake (036_Emily-Senko_2019-09-12 23.59.46).jpg
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PHOTOGRAPHY-COURSE: Building your fashion & beauty portfolio with agency models [3 months, 8 students, Online or Byron Bay]


If you’re a photographer looking to elevate your photography portfolio using Agency Models (and attract better clients) this course could be for you.


  • Three (3) month fashion/beauty photography course.

  • Includes one-on-one mentoring with me.

  • Location: Worldwide/Online [via zoom] or Byron Bay, Australia.


Not quite ready, missed out or want to be kept in the loop? Click here to subscribe/register your interest for any upcoming courses.


Welome Note

My name is Dave Blake and I’m a full-time fashion photographer. I’m also a true photography (and art) nerd - it’s my passion, and when I’m not shooting I’m thinking about shooting. I also love helping other photographers with their craft.

As mentioned, if you’re a photographer looking to elevate your photography portfolio using Agency Models (and attract better clients), this course could be for you. I wish it existed when I was starting.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Thanks in advance,


Course Overview

Instructor - Dave Blake

Terms (ongoing):

  • July-September

  • October-December

  • January-March

  • April-June

Your commitment - 32 hours (estimated) in total over a 3 month class term.

To ensure contact with students, these Masterclasses are restricted to 8 students only.

Note, teaching is not pre-recorded - contact with me is delivered in person in Byron Bay Australia, or live over zoom for International or remote students (GMT+10)

Course Goals

  1. Understand how to work with models & model agencies (for free).

  2. Set your own goals of where you’d like to be with your portfolio.

  3. How to plan and execute three (3) model test shoots with professional agency models.

  4. Have your shoots critically assessed by me in the spirit of constantly improving.

Theory Component

Understand how to work with model agencies to improve your portfolio.

Clients - what kinds of clients can you expect to attract?

Model agency terminology - TFP, new faces, mainboard, bookers, getting paid tests.

How to contact an agency - practical email examples, phone call examples.

What are mood boards - and how to create one.

What is a call sheet - and how to create one.

Working with models - what’s okay and not okay.

Introduction to working with hair/makeup artists.

Introduction to working with stylists.

Practical Component

You will be required to plan, shoot and deliver three (3) model test shoots before the end of the master-class.

You will be marked on:

  • Mood boards

  • Communication with the model agency

  • Shooting

  • Post Production

  • Feedback from the model and the booker

  • Critical assessment by me, with suggestions on how to improve.

Class format

  • Teaching: the theory, with practical examples.

  • Practical: (allocate 3 days of your own time in total) - planning, shooting and delivery.

  • Mentoring: 3 x one-on-one (zoom or in person) reviews for each of your test shoots.

  • Private class facebook group with your fellow classmates.

  • A printed trade book of student work sent to you, and the agencies that you work with (requires a minimum of 4 students enrolled).


  • Already advanced in your camera craft - shooting and delivery

  • Existing portfolio of people photography

  • Strong desire to elevate your (fashion, beauty or portrait) portfolio using professional models

  • Commitment to appointments - your class, and 3 mentoring sessions,

  • Commitment to professionalism - working with models and agencies,

  • Commitment to due dates - for delivery of your test shoots.

Email me before purchase

Course dates

Not quite ready or missed out?

About me

I’m a self-taught Australian fashion photographer, that used to be a Computer Programmer. I went to Law School and studied Computer Science at University before falling head over heels for my passion for photographing people and fashion.

I’m not just another teacher. I shoot fashion full-time, and my major clients (the ones you’ve probably heard of) include Adidas, Porsche, Schiesser, TagHeuer, Rimmel, as well as a lot of fashion and commercial brands you’ve probably never heard of. I’ve also contributed to Elle magazine, Harpers Bazaar, Gritty Pretty, Remix, Mindfood, Maxi France, FÜR SIE Germany, Her World Singapore, Fashion & Arts Spain, Style Switzerland, Sani Magazine Greece. My work is also syndicated via one of the top agencies in New York. Location-wise I’m currently based between Sydney and Byron Bay.

I come from a bloodline of talented artists, and my work is influenced by my love of nature and travel and inspiring others through images.

I also test a lot of professional models for the top agencies worldwide, such as IMG, CHIC, Viviens, Priscillas, Kult, Elite, NEXT, Wilhelmina, Que et al.

In my spare time I practice yoga and love fast cars, and of course, taking pictures!